Countless times over the years I’ve been called out on an emergency because a client’s computer won’t boot up. Some of those visits have resulted in a somewhat easy fix that was software related. However, many times I’ve seen the “No boot device found” type of message and my first question is always, “What noises have you been hearing from your computer recently?” Invariably, I get the answer, “Oh, it’s been clicking for the past several weeks.” — or something to that effect. I groan to myself and say, “Why didn’t you call me EARLIER???” We could have easily saved the data if we’d gotten to work on it when they’d first heard the noises.

I realize that many if not most people just don’t realize what the various sounds and noises their computer is emitting can possibly mean. So here’s a fantastic article from PC World which gives actual audio samples of several different scenarios. Listen up and pay attention when you hear them!

Click the link below to read and listen to this very important article: